Aids Desk

The Aids Desk is the HIV/AIDS prevention and care programme of the National Lutheran Health & Medical Board (NLHMB) which is the official health and medical unit of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church in India engaged in Health care, Education, Community development , Disaster management and other relief to the poor and needy.


  • Access to quality health care and social, economic and gender equity and justice to persons vulnerable to and affected by HIV AIDS


  • To protect the vulnerable and affected communities by awareness , treatment and rehabilitation
  • To provide an enabling environment through social transformation and economic changes
  • To help realize health, legal and political rights through lobby, advocacy and networking
  • To sensitize and enable the church communities towards relevant and sensitive response


  • Provide preventive, curative and rehabilitative Health care to more than 1500 families through hospitals, clinic and mobile services in Andhra Pradesh and Tamilnadu
  • Lobby, network and advocacy at regional and national levels on the right to health care for People Living with HIV/AIDS ( PLHAs)
  • Create enabling and sustainable micro and macro environment without stigma and discrimination for infected and affected persons.
  • Economic self reliance through skills and capacities to affected families
  • Motivate and build Christian response through churches and ecumenical bodies
  • Publication of relevant materials in English and vernacular languages, to all stakeholders to effective communication and learning
  • Influence public policy related to HIV AIDS and trafficking, through research, communication, advocacy, networking
  • Provide social, psychological and economic support to orphans, young and old, through community based institutions