Aids Desk

The Aids Desk is the HIV/AIDS prevention and care programme of the National Lutheran Health & Medical Board (NLHMB) which is the official health and medical unit of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church in India engaged in Health care, Education, Community development , Disaster management and other relief to the poor and needy.


  • Access to quality health care and social, economic and gender equity and justice to persons vulnerable to and affected by HIV AIDS


  • To protect the vulnerable and affected communities by awareness , treatment and rehabilitation
  • To provide an enabling environment through social transformation and economic changes
  • To help realize health, legal and political rights through lobby, advocacy and networking
  • To sensitize and enable the church communities towards relevant and sensitive response


  • Provide preventive, curative and rehabilitative Health care to more than 1500 families through hospitals, clinic and mobile services in Andhra Pradesh and Tamilnadu
  • Lobby, network and advocacy at regional and national levels on the right to health care for People Living with HIV/AIDS ( PLHAs)
  • Create enabling and sustainable micro and macro environment without stigma and discrimination for infected and affected persons.
  • Economic self reliance through skills and capacities to affected families
  • Motivate and build Christian response through churches and ecumenical bodies
  • Publication of relevant materials in English and vernacular languages, to all stakeholders to effective communication and learning
  • Influence public policy related to HIV AIDS and trafficking, through research, communication, advocacy, networking
  • Provide social, psychological and economic support to orphans, young and old, through community based institutions


ADEPT – The NLHMB has been actively involved in Disaster Management since the early 1990’s. Its work in Post Cyclone, Post Earthquake relief work has been widely appreciated. Therefore it was natural for NLHMB to react to the December 26, 2004 Tsunami. One of the first agencies to be galvanized into action, the NLHMBs teams consisted of professionals from as far away as Ludhiana. Medical teams were constituted in no time and placed in needy areas. Timely supply of material resources, logistical support relating to other activities were provided from the Chennai office.

The tremendous trauma caused by the Tsunami was not limited to physical damage or loss. Survivors were reeling from shock unable to cope with the aftermath of the disaster. NLHMB recognized the need for psychosocial rehabilitation and came up with a long-term sustainable strategy to help the survivors recover and prepare communities for future calamitous situations. As an expression of this strategy the Academy for Disaster Management Education, Planning and Training has been established in Chennai

ADEPT has in a short time grown into a mature Disaster Management Resource Agency.


The Academy for Disaster-Management Education, Planning, and Trained is a non-profit organization that aims to consolidate the knowledge in the field of disaster mental health and management, for the purpose of advocacy and training of disaster management personnel for more effective functioning.

ADEPT is the disaster management initiative of the National Lutheran Health and Medical Board (NLHMB) which is the official Health & Medical Unit of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church in India (UELCI) engaged in promoting medical work, medical education and other relief to the poor and needy.

ADEPT was set up in January 2005, in the wake of the Tsunami. The National Lutheran Health and Medical Board has been in existence since 1986 and has been providing medical relief in disasters since 1996. the National Lutheran Health nd Medical Board (NLHMB) and the patners of ADEPT had been active in various disasters including the Andhra Pradesh cyclone 1996, the Orissa supercyclone 1999, and The Gujarat Earthquake 2001.

The NLHMB has a strong focus on education, medical, gender, justice, youth, dalits, children, ecology and development activities.


To establish an Asia Pacific Disaster Management resource, facilitation and knowledge management Institution


To carry out such disaster management, education, planning, and training activities that go towards achievement of the mission.


Whether you are a student or a teacher, a homemaker or a multi-tasking professional, a sportsperson or an artist; whether you are an excited newly wed bride, an energetic mother of two, or a proud grandmother… we know how demanding your life can be.

We would like to help you take good care of your own health and well being, so that you can successfully meet all of life’s numerous demands. You are special and so is your health!

Good health is not mere absence of disease, brought about by swallowing a concoction of pills. Good health is about being well informed: about making the right choices about your body, about the foods you eat, the environment you live in, the air you breathe, you personal hygiene, and most importantly about your peace of mind and positive thinking.

Fem health will bring all this essential health information to you, wherever you are and whatever your health needs. If there is information you desperatly needed, but were too shy to ask your doctor, you can now get it on Fem health. Fem Health empowers you to make your own health decisions in an intelligent and reliable way.

It is time to take your health in your hands. Log on to Fem health today and become your own expert.

Adept-Tsunami Project Research

Workshop on Transition from Relief to Recovery – Sri Lanka – Aug 2005

The workshop on Transition from Relief to Recovery was organized by ADEPT in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 25 and 26 August 2005. Thirty five iNGOs, local NGOs, and local administrative bodies participated (Appendix 1). The workshop opened with a lighting of the lamp by nine representatives from different organizations signifying the light that was to be shed by the workshop on various issues.

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Needs Analysis & Recommendtions for Tsunmi affected Communities

The devastation caused by the Tsunami on 26th December 2004, has left coastal lands flattened and billions of dollars worth infrastructure, economic assets and materials were devastated. It had severe impact on coastal fishing communities in Tamil Nadu destroying houses, boats, fishing gear, agricultural land and saltpans wiping out the livelihoods of millions of people. The ultimate goal of the project is to assess the impacts and the needs of the affected people, and develop rehabilitation and reconstruction framework for the community re-engineering work. The outcome of the survey will facilitate ADEPT in its endeavors of sector prioritization, resource identification and coordination of community re-engineering activities.

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Needs of Women in Tsunami Affected Communities

An intensive training workshop was conducted with 250 women belonging to Women’s self help groups from Tsunami affected villages in Cuddalore district, Tamilnadu. During the workshop an analysis was done using focus group technique. The participants expressed their individual and community needs verbally as well as through written documents. There were 68 written representations from the participants explaining the present condition of their respective villages and the facilities they require to improve the infra-structure and to initiate the community to take up appropriate and alternate course of action to survive in the post Tsunami phase.

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Lutheran General Hospital – Rajmundhry (Andhra Pradesh)

The patients in Rajamundry are continuing to rise and during the monthly camp on second Saturdays of every month we are averaging an attendance of 90 patients a day most of whom have traveled from near by villages and sometime over 200 kilometers to attend the clinic. We are fortunate in enrolling a committed doctor in the hospital who has a special interest in serving the HIV infected persons. In this short span of over a year the center has on its registry 388 patients with over 75 in-patient admissions.

  • 100 bedded hospital also caring for PLHAs
  • Subsidised ARV
  • Surgical and Medical services for PLHAs
  • Community health outreach focusing on Reproductive Health Care/ HIV AIDS

Lutheran General Hospital – Guntur (Andhra Pradesh)

The counseling center in chirala was shifted to Guntur early this year with the hope of linking it to the kugler Hospital for In-patient care services. The center now provides not only counseling but also basic out patient medical services for HIV patients. As Guntur is one of the most highly prevalent centers in the country, we expect that the work here will increase in the coming months.

  • Counselling services
  • 4 bedded clinic – health care
  • Referrals for TB and other medical treatment
  • Subsidised ARV
  • Advocacy unit – Adharna
  • Positive People’s network – HAPPEN More than 2000 members
  • Rehabilitation through vocational training- candle making, nurse aide training
  • Home based care and support
  • Nutritional support