Adept-Tsunami Project Research
Workshop on Transition from Relief to Recovery – Sri Lanka – Aug 2005
The workshop on Transition from Relief to Recovery was organized by ADEPT in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 25 and 26 August 2005. Thirty five iNGOs, local NGOs, and local administrative bodies participated (Appendix 1). The workshop opened with a lighting of the lamp by nine representatives from different organizations signifying the light that was to be shed by the workshop on various issues.
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Needs Analysis & Recommendtions for Tsunmi affected Communities
The devastation caused by the Tsunami on 26th December 2004, has left coastal lands flattened and billions of dollars worth infrastructure, economic assets and materials were devastated. It had severe impact on coastal fishing communities in Tamil Nadu destroying houses, boats, fishing gear, agricultural land and saltpans wiping out the livelihoods of millions of people. The ultimate goal of the project is to assess the impacts and the needs of the affected people, and develop rehabilitation and reconstruction framework for the community re-engineering work. The outcome of the survey will facilitate ADEPT in its endeavors of sector prioritization, resource identification and coordination of community re-engineering activities.
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Needs of Women in Tsunami Affected Communities
An intensive training workshop was conducted with 250 women belonging to Women’s self help groups from Tsunami affected villages in Cuddalore district, Tamilnadu. During the workshop an analysis was done using focus group technique. The participants expressed their individual and community needs verbally as well as through written documents. There were 68 written representations from the participants explaining the present condition of their respective villages and the facilities they require to improve the infra-structure and to initiate the community to take up appropriate and alternate course of action to survive in the post Tsunami phase.
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Workshop on Transition from Relief to Recovery – Sri Lanka – Aug 2005
The workshop on Transition from Relief to Recovery was organized by ADEPT in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 25 and 26 August 2005. Thirty five iNGOs, local NGOs, and local administrative bodies participated (Appendix 1). The workshop opened with a lighting of the lamp by nine representatives from different organizations signifying the light that was to be shed by the workshop on various issues.
Download ReportNeeds Analysis & Recommendtions for Tsunmi affected Communities
The devastation caused by the Tsunami on 26th December 2004, has left coastal lands flattened and billions of dollars worth infrastructure, economic assets and materials were devastated. It had severe impact on coastal fishing communities in Tamil Nadu destroying houses, boats, fishing gear, agricultural land and saltpans wiping out the livelihoods of millions of people. The ultimate goal of the project is to assess the impacts and the needs of the affected people, and develop rehabilitation and reconstruction framework for the community re-engineering work. The outcome of the survey will facilitate ADEPT in its endeavors of sector prioritization, resource identification and coordination of community re-engineering activities.
Download ReportNeeds of Women in Tsunami Affected Communities
An intensive training workshop was conducted with 250 women belonging to Women’s self help groups from Tsunami affected villages in Cuddalore district, Tamilnadu. During the workshop an analysis was done using focus group technique. The participants expressed their individual and community needs verbally as well as through written documents. There were 68 written representations from the participants explaining the present condition of their respective villages and the facilities they require to improve the infra-structure and to initiate the community to take up appropriate and alternate course of action to survive in the post Tsunami phase.
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